About Us
Just like the town of Crozet, our fellowship is growing, becoming more diverse, and sometimes we can hardly keep up. The fact is, it is an exciting and challenging time to be a part of Crozet Baptist Church. Please spend some time on our website and see how your family can worship, connect, and serve in our ever-expanding community.
Then accept our invitation to worship at CBC this Sunday! We’ll be here to open doors for you to experience the love of Jesus Christ in worship and Sunday a.m. life fellowships.

David Collyer, Pastor
Our mission: to encourage people in our ever-expanding community to follow Jesus Christ with ever-increasing passion.
What should I expect?
Crozet Baptist Church is an eclectic mix of members and visitors and we are blessed to come together in one service each Sunday morning at 10:30. We have a few hymns, some praise music, and much to bring to worship together. No matter your preferred worship style, we hope you will join us in praising the Lord together!
What do I wear?
We don’t have a dress code here at CBC; we want you to be comfortable and to worship the risen Lord with us! As Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Some of us come dressed in our “Sunday best” and others come in jeans and sandals. All are welcome. We want you to come and to focus on what matters—and that is on the inside.
Where do I go?
When you arrive here at CBC, we welcome you with open doors and open arms. We are located on St. George Avenue in Crozet. You can park in front, across the street, or in the large side lot. There is additional handicap parking in a smaller side lot. On Sunday mornings, the doors on both sides are open and there will be someone welcoming you and directing you in the event you get turned around.
What about the kids?
We welcome the little children in our sanctuary and service and we also have a nursery available for little ones (birth to pre-K) if that is your preference. We encourage you to have your children with you during worship and we do have a lively children’s message each week during worship.
Core Values
We believe God has brought our fellowship of believers together and uniquely gifted us for a specific way of ministering in this time and place. The following statements speak to our identity, keep us intentional about our mission, and point us all in the same direction.
Our core values include

worship together

connect in small groups

serve through ministry teams
Our Leadership
Our Current Deacons:
Nancy Black
Linda Crawford
Adam Defibaugh
Wayne Ferguson
Gale Hughes
J.B. Hurt
Martin Hutchinson
Malcolm Inge
Mark Nicholson
Carol Richardson
Bill Schrader
Bob Thomlinson
Church Staff

Rev. David Collyer
Senior Pastor
About David
Pastor David was born in Albany, Georgia. His father and mother were both working professionals...
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Chuck Miller
Director of Children's Ministries
About Chuck
Chuck Miller, a lifelong Virginian, was born and raised in Winchester and educated at the University of Virginia...
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Candice Rhodes
Director of Youth Ministries
About Candice
Candice just graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and has been working full time at the University of Virginia for almost five years....
Read MoreRachel Collier
Office Administrator
Contact the office
Julia Franz
Director of Communications
Contact Julia
Our History
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the community of Crozet grew up around a railroad station (now the Crozet Library) built to serve the students of Miller School. Members of neighboring Baptist churches organized the Crozet Baptist Church on September 8, 1903 to serve the new community. The first church building was dedicated on August 18, 1907.
For a number of years, our congregation was part of a field of churches which shared the same pastor. On April 1, 1949, the members of Crozet Baptist Church called Rev. Lee Saunders as their first full-time pastor.
In the early 1950’s, Acme Visible Records and Morton Frozen Foods opened plants in Crozet, bringing many new people to the area. Crozet Baptist dedicated a new brick sanctuary in 1951 and a Sunday School building in 1955. The west wing of the church was added in 1961, the sanctuary was enlarged in 1983, and the children’s education wing and the fellowship hall in 1994.
Today, Crozet has been designated as one of two population growth centers for Albemarle County. New homes and subdivisions are going up everywhere and many new families are making Crozet their home.
Crozet Baptist Church is a vital Christian fellowship where young and old, male and female, all share fully in the worship and work of Jesus Christ. We hope you’ll be our guest in the very near future.

Our Logo
Over the past several years, the number of people living in western Albemarle County has increased dramatically. At Crozet Baptist Church our mission is to encourage people to become passionate followers of Jesus. Consequently, we must look for the most effective methods to communicate the timeless truths of God. Since most of us no longer work side by side with our friends and neighbors, we cannot depend on “word of mouth” to let people know about our wonderful church. With fewer and fewer folks having grown up here in Crozet, and with the center of our community moving toward route 250, folks don’t automatically learn where the CBC facility is when they move here. Even traditional tools of communication, such as newspaper ads, and community wide mailings, have become less effective because of the deluge of advertisements and invitations that bombard us daily from all media.
Several years ago, when we began to recognize this new reality, we realized that we needed something that would stand out from all of the advertising white noise. We needed a symbol or an image that would become so closely associated with CBC that it would be immediately recognizable. We needed a logo. (A logo is a name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition. It is a special mark or picture that will allow anyone who sees it to immediately associate it with some group or cause.) We needed something fresh, with no prior associations, good or bad. We needed something that couldn’t mistakenly point people to the wrong church. We needed something uniquely us. But we also wanted something that would remind us of our rich heritage here at CBC. In our stained glass windows, there is a pattern that is repeated eight times. It was there in that traditional symbol of our church and our faith that we found our inspiration. This piece of our church building, this traditional pattern was taken and used to create a new and unique design.
This design is full of meaning for Christians. It is an ancient, even-armed cross. It is a church building as seen from above with its doors open wide. It also has meaning for our unchurched friends and neighbors. It is the green and blue earth that God made. It is the colors of the Blue Ridge and the green pastures of Western Albemarle. And it has special meaning when connected to our vision document. It is our four-fold strategy. It is arrows that remind us to minister inside the church and out. It has in reality become for much of our community the presence of Crozet Baptist Church among them.
Our E-newsletter
At Crozet Baptist, we have a weekly e-newsletter. If you wish to be added to our mailing list, please fill out the form below: