Life Fellowship (All ages)
One of the strengths of our congregation is the special bonds of friendship and support that exist within the church family. We call them 2 a.m. friends, those friends you can call on anytime for support or aid. We are committed to nurturing those lasting relationships within our church family and our community.
Life Fellowships are about connecting with God and with each other on a deeper level. In these small groups we promote Christian education and fellowship through a variety of gatherings and ministries. There are Sunday morning Life Fellowships for all ages beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Caring Ministry
The Caring Ministry is comprised of a group of men and women, young and old and everyone in between, who are interested in serving alongside one another to minister to families in their time of loss. The mission of this group is to provide a place for families to gather, enjoy a meal, and share memories. We take away the stress of planning, preparing, and providing a meal. A recent note from a family read, “You are answering a much-needed calling.”
No one is too old, or too young to serve. New folks are always welcome to join the team.
Senior Adults
Adult Fellowship Luncheon
The first Tuesday of every month we host our Adult Fellowship Luncheon (designed for adults over 55). This ecumenical event welcomes old and new friends from our local community. Each month we recognize birthdays and anniversaries, host educational talks, and/or enjoy entertainment. We provide a different entrée each meeting and ask that you bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.