Love Your Neighbor Food & Friendship Ministry
(Crozet Baptist Church Food Pantry)
Through the Food & Friendship ministry, we provide grocery staples to approximately 25 families on a regular basis. Twenty of these families have children in local public schools who are referred by guidance counselors. The other 5 families are seniors living on fixed incomes. This ministry also provides groceries to walk-ins with immediate short-term needs. CBC has distinctive green bags with a shopping list printed on the side. Volunteers can pick these up the first Sunday of the month and fill them and return them by the following Sunday. If shopping is not your favorite thing, the ministry needs financial support, which is used to buy groceries from Crozet Market, a local business partner of the ministry. Other churches, individuals, and families outside of CBC, and local charities also contribute, making this program a truly community effort. At 6:00 p.m. on the Wednesday after the third Sunday (a quirky “regular” meeting time, but one that best fits our grocery ordering schedule), volunteers meet to pack groceries. Packing usually takes about an hour to ninety minutes and is a lot of fun. These packing sessions offer an opportunity for volunteers to connect with each other while serving and showing our love to our neighbors in need. Please contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering, giving, or know someone who needs groceries.
Love Your Neighbor Food and Friendship Ministry Shopping List
multipack snack crackers (any brand, flavor)
granola bars (any flavor)
grape jelly
peanut butter
boxed mac n cheese
canned peas
canned tuna
Honey Nut O’s (Cheerios or store brand)
apple sauce single serve multipack
large jar sugar free apple sauce
large bottle tomato juice
Hunt’s canned spaghetti sauce
spaghetti noodles
chicken noodle soup
Ramen chicken flavor noodles
canned pinto beans
canned corn
canned green beans
Chef boy ar dee Beefaroni or Ravioli
Sunmaid Raisins individual multipacks
dried beans
canned tuna
HI-C Juice Boxes (any flavor)